Do you have ever wondered why you had a smart? And how it can help during travels. having a smart phone can imply many changes in behaviors but this article explains that people do not use their smart phones in holidays as they use it everyday. While they are in holiday people would focus more on how they can improve their stay by looking for comments on hotels or checking their flight time or even booking a hotel. Whereas in everyday life they would use their smart phones to update their facebook or twitter account.
Reading this article, we understand that even the young (16-24) are more interested in using their smart phones for planning their holidays than to use it for facebook or other social networks. They are even willing to pay for some applications ("apps") than the elder population.
People have change their behaviors regarding smart phones and they want to use them as tools for life. They want to use it in order to earn time because in holidays, they want to do as much as possible and loosing time because of a problem with booking a flight is stupid.
The travel industry needs to take advantages of this era of smart phones to create new apps and to help their customers to gain minutes.
Thanks for text link = this is recap of the article. Analysis should include HOW travel suppliers can take advantage of the medium.