dimanche 20 mars 2011

traveling with Facebook on Malaysia Airlines

Traveling nowadays is less fun than it used to be. Today, you have to wait for about three hours at the airport because the security has been reinforced and passengers are feeling this and they are having a bad time before getting in the aircraft. This article explains us how an application can change our traveling time. the application is called MHBuddy and is available on Facebook. Partner with Malaysia Airlines, this app is used not only as a booking service but also as a check in service. The airline company is not the first to allow booking with Facebook (Delta was) but now, passengers are also allowed to check in with their Facebook account but the really new service with this app is that you can sit next to your Facebook friends. Basically, this app allows you to control your travel without leaving you Facebook account; but Malaysia Airlines also allows you to check who is already on your destination. 
This is a very good association of Facebook and an airline company; however, once again it is an invasion in privacy. Of course you are not forced to use the application but if you would like to use it, your trip obviously becomes a public thing. 
In a way, Facebook is kind of public and almost everybody can access your information if you do not monitor your privacy settings. Facebook has an impact on social life and you'd better watch and keep control on what you are doing on this media. Giving information about your flight, your seat and your personal information on a social media might not be a good idea even if you would like to know who is going to take the same plane.
This application is a good thing because it helps you to enjoy your trip and not being seated next to a weird person but at the same time, we realize that nothing is private anymore in this social media era.

lundi 14 mars 2011

impact of Japan quake on travel and tourism industry

As everybody must know, on friday afternoon (local time) an earthquake hit Japan with a magnitude of 8.9 on he Richter scale. Followed by a tsunami, a major part of the island has been devastated. This article, posted by the USA today the day of the disaster, provides information about the potential effect on the tourism and travel industry but no one can say exactly what will be the impact on the economy of the industry. The US government has requested that "citizens avoid tourism and non-essential travel to Japan through April 1" because they fear aftershocks that are usual after such a strong quake. It means that Japan will have a lack in their economy. First, the country has experienced an earthquake which has created a panic in the capital even if Japan is very well prepared to this kind of natural disaster; however, it was so big that it destroyed roads and buildings. But the most devastating was the tsunami which completely swallowed some cities on the East and North coasts of the island. 10 meters high waves have reach the coast and the impact was that waves have continued on the Pacific and have affected the island of Hawaï and West coast of the American continent.
These kind of natural disaster have a great impact on economy and on tourism. The country has to rebuild and repair damages so all the energy and economy of the country will fit in the reconstruction. Tourism cannot happen if the country is not able to welcome visitors. In this article, we learn that Disneyland, the big amusement park in the capital has been forced to close its door for about 5 hours with thousands of visitors because they could not go back to their cars fearing aftershocks and stones falling from buildings. The park did not have major damages.
We cannot quantify the impact on the industry but a second major events happened on saturday on the East Coast of the island, a nuclear power plant has exploded which might let radioactive gazes escape from the plant. This would create another negative impact for the industry.
Japan is facing a very bad period in its history and it might be the worse period for the economy since the Second World War.

A lot of countries are mobilizing to help the Japanese population in order to rebuild the country as soon as possible.

A thought for Japan

lundi 7 mars 2011

Great Facebook Pages

How can you measure your ROI of social media? Companies are always looking to improve their social media impact and influence. Pages on Facebook can have an influence on customers if they are well done but they can have a great impact when people find an interest in those. This article gives us 20 great Facebook pages to take a look at. Before doing anything, why don't you take a look at some companies which succeeded in their social media campaign in order to improve yours. Sometimes it is better to check back who is better than you on some topics and who can give you some ideas and tips in order to get more influence and more influencers.
Facebook is not over and it is still time to get a great Facebook page with fans who can become influencers.

dimanche 6 février 2011

Gogobot: new social media for travelers

Travelers are often facing the problem of researching information about where they want to go, in what hotel they are going o stay, where they are going to have diner, and in order to find details about their destinations, they often look at reviews (such as trip advisor) and they read what Travis Katz (founder and CEO of Gogobot) called "anonymous stranger's" reviews or posts. In order to solve this, and to have personal recommendations instead of anonymous ones, the new company Gogobot gather informations of your friends on Facebook and of your followers on Twitter so that when you have a question about one of your destinations, you will have answers from sources you know.
Reading this article, we understand that Facebook and Twitter are the two essential tools you need to have on internet and they are even more important because with these social medias, you will be able to access other rising networking place. 
Networking is no longer the story of Facebook and Twitter only but they are the access door to other tools.
Gogobot tries to take advantage of you Facebook and Twitter accounts in order to improve your research and to have trustworthy sources for your trips.
An other way to define this new company, could be the social media for travelers, because you have informations and you can gather datas from your friends and followers but not in a general way and not for everyday life but for a specific product, your vacations.

lundi 17 janvier 2011

Branding your business online: get the new rules

The Inc. magazine recently posted this article about the new rules when talking about branding your business online. Customers are no longer paying attention to the design of a website but they want an interactive website where they can access information in one click. Here are the new rules:

1. Don’t just start the conversation; because it is not enough to post something and leave it afterward. customers want you to interact with them, reply to their questions and you have to be active in branding your business
2. Either keep your personal brand out of it… it is very hard to grow when nobody knows you. Unless you have a great idea that would change our life as a customer, don't do anything because you might be failing.
3. …or dive in and make all the headlines you can. In other terms, talk, talk and talk about your business, your products, the benefits of your business. You must appear to get known.
4. Don’t favor edge over consistency. You'd rather grow slowly but surely at a constant speed than to grow in one shot and increase your turnover too fast and risking to fail shortly.
5. Be persistent in finding and targeting your niche. The market is full of segments and different customers; nobody acts the same way when buying something. This is why you need to find your target, and try to keep it but don't change your niche every year it won't be efficient.
6. Excel at telling your customers “About Us.” As I said before, customers want to know everything about you in one click, thus if your "about us" page does not say anything or is incomplete, they will not linger on your business.
7. Fully integrate social media into your site. We are in a social media era, then use it and create traffic on your web page.
8. Monitor your brand’s reputation, and be ready to respond. Never leave a complaint unanswered. If you don't control what's been said about you, you could loose customers because they would think that you don't care about their satisfaction.
9. Showcase your best work. Be credible to your customers and show them that you can do a great job (in your field). However, don't do it too much, don't boast.

Finally, I would add a last rule: Don't lie! Customers will always realize if you are lying and they won't trust you anymore; moreover, they will let the other clients know about it.

lundi 10 janvier 2011

Groupon: best deals but not for hotel marketers

Looking closely to the best deals sellers Groupon, we realize that for hotel marketers it is not as attractive as it is supposed to be. This article explores the fact that Groupon is very attracting for clients who want good deals and best prices; however, they do not know that the company is actually stealing hotels by getting a high percentage on each offer.
Groupon is interesting when the hotel is facing a low period in reservation, but they loose their margin. The company is actually abusing hotels when they know that they need clientele. Hotels need a certain occupancy rate to live and if the building is empty they will not survive, so they try to attract guests by proposing them good deals but they usually do not do it on their own website, they need a third party. Groupon benefits from hotels in a bad position and they attract them because they are un need of customers.

mardi 4 janvier 2011

what can you do in an amusement park using sixth sense device

The new face of Luxury in 2011

First of all, I would like to wish you a happy new year!!!

By reading this article about the luxury landscape, I just realized how much this industry has been hurt by the crisis. Before this article the idea was that with the crisis, the poor would become poorer and the rich even richer. But apparently, the crisis hits everybody and consumers are not looking at their expenses as they were doing it before. The luxury industry is changing its face because consumers now drives the brands and they have the choice. This year will be a major change because luxury brands have to get their clientele and make them happy about their products and they need to provide benefit for the consumers. Non-luxury consumers are usually looking for something they need but people who can afford luxury goods they do not care. The trends are making things different and make people think more about their money.